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What homes have recently sold in your neighborhood?

Understand home values in relation to surrounding properties. Here’s a new resource you may find useful.

Just follow the link and type in an address to see actual reported sales prices for nearby properties.
Listed transactions are up to six months old and within a maximum three-mile radius of the searched address, depending on the volume of sales in the area. A link next to each listing gives more specific information, allowing you to compare properties that are similar in size and style.

I hope this search tool makes your job easier. I invite you to bookmark it for your own use and also to share it with your buyers and sellers.

What Schools are in your area ?

The schools that serve your neighborhood can have a significant impact on your home’s market value.

You may already be familiar with the schools in your immediate area. The map in the link below will spell it all out for you as a quick reference.

For bonus points, click the info button next to each listing. You will find the number of students and staff, expenditures per student, and more.

Does your community make the grade?

Learn about the people in your neighborhood.

Many things contribute to the make-up of a neighborhood—home styles, commutes, schools, employment opportunities and, of course, the people.

You probably already know a bit about the folks next door. Click below to see interesting info about the people in your area as a whole.

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